
Posted by Katie | Posted on 4:20 PM

"Connections between events, people, and things in the world." Calvino suggests that multiplicity is a way of connecting us to literature. I think that finding a way to connect with literature is the best way to read. Finding something in a story that relates to your own life makes reading even more enjoyable. Finding multiple ways to connect is what Calvino wants us to know. The concept of multiplicity could simply be said as a connection but I know it's much more deep than that. Calvino tells us that knowledge is the awareness of the incapability of two opposite polarities. I understand this as we find a connect in things that we normally don't find a connection. When I read I am constantly trying to find something to connect to. Some times I visualize the house to be my own just so I have some thing to connect to. Calvino makes multiplicity hard to connect with but it is not impossible to do.

I choose this picture to represent multiplicity because it shows connections between events, people, and things in the world. The newspaper is the perfect print literature to find connections in. This photo is also easy to connect with and that's what I wanted to address. Looking at this picture allows lots of memories and connections to arise. The glasses and the pin can draw lots of connections for me. I also like how there is a circle drawn on the newspaper. To me this shows that a connection has been made with the paper and the events taking place. Having multiple connections with literature it what I think of multiplicity.

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