
Posted by Katie | Posted on 3:58 PM

"Visibility can give warning of danger. We may be losing a basic human faculty: the power of bringing visions into focus with our eyes shut, of bringing forth forms of colors from lines, of black letters on a white page, and in fact of thinking in terms of images." This is how I learn, in terms of visual images. It's easier for me to visualize things when I read and basically everything in my life. If you show me an example of something, I will jump right into it. Calvino made a statement that we learn to see before we read. This is where simple minded rhyming couplets provide no illuminating information. I think this suggests that we should provide our kids and students with more visual stimulating readings. Being visual is a concept that Calvino suggests because seeing is usually believing. A visual image is a trigger to the brain where as other things do not do as much. Being visual is everything in my mind. Being a visual reader is what Calvino wants us to be.

I choose this image because you are able to bring this vision into focus with your eyes shut. You can visualize the water running and the apples floating in water. If this was described in a piece of literature, you can easily see what it may look like. Calvino says that a visual image can trigger the brain and I think this image does just that. The splashing of the water around the apple triggers the brain and builds connections right away. This image is exactly what visibility represents in my understanding of Calvino.

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