Quickness "Frestina Lente"

Posted by Katie | Posted on 2:58 PM

"Time takes no time in a story." Calvino discusses how an author can jump days, months, or years in a single sentence. To help understand this concept Calvino gives the horse as an example. The horse is a means of transportation with it's own pace, a trot or a gallop. But the horse really means mental speed. The horse can be an emblem for speed and mental speed all together. This makes a lot of sense to me because I ride horses and understand how they function. In literature time is usually a for a wealth and to be spent at leisure. This symbolizes the horse to a tee. If you think about it the horse is for people who have the time and money to spend. Riding a horse is like riding through a story. Horses gallop from place to place with out stopping unless need be. That is how a narrative usually goes in a story. The plot moves right along only stopping when necessary. The horse is a quick animal and narratives are quick as well. To me the horse it the best way to think about quickness. Mental and physical quickness.

"Festina Lente" Hurry Slowly.

I chose this image because of Calvino's example of the horse. I have been around horses a lot and I understand how they function and act. Calvino tells us time takes no time in a story. This can be true for a horse as well. A horse has true speed but also mental speed as well. Horses can run, gallop, trot and prance. Each one of these have a different time narrative to them. This image shows a horse kicking up dust symbolizing speed. But the stillness of the picture also shows the slowness of a trot. A horse symbolizes Calvino's quickness to a tee in my understanding.

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